We create mobile apps for magazine publishers.
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l'endurance magazine is an independent motorsports magazine with a strong focus on sportscar and GT racing. Top drawer graphic design and photography create the look, while quality feature writing creates the substance.
Our ethos at Style Guide is very practical, our magazines are totally dedicated to helping our readers with styling the whole occasion to help make the experience fabulous and stress free! We focus on directional design and decoration and show the most fashionable trends and concepts to make every event styling unique, as it should be. Our team has worked with hundreds of different stylists, organised and styled unforgettable events and our E-Books and DIY magazines will give you the secrets. Our stylists are even doing the shopping for you, finding the prettiest, most unusual and decorative accessories for maximum effect. Our hands-on experience means we have seen it all, so our readers will get an insight into the nuts and bolts that hold an event/day together. A stress-free event/day is all in the planning. We will always let you in on the stylist’s secrets be it with the latest table setting trends, latest recipes or latest DIY ideas including adding a personal touch to all your stationery and NOW we offer recipes on how to create exciting drinks !!! At Style Guide we would like to become your new best friends, showing you the most wonderful options for every detail, your perfect styling is sure to be found on our pages in every issue. Let us help you style your day your way.
The Journal of Australian Ceramics (JAC), Australia’s most widely read tri-annual contemporary ceramics magazine, is a valuable resource for professional and amateur ceramicists, students, galleries, arts administrators, curators, buyers and passionate collectors. The Journal is a 128 page, full colour, contemporary ceramics journal, available in both print and digital formats. Published three times per year, it contains artist profiles, commentary and critical essays, exhibition and book reviews, information on tertiary ceramic education, workshop reports, technical advice, suppliers, new products, exhibition and gallery listings.
A magazine completely dedicated to the career of the first lady of entertainment, Barbra Streisand. Features, exclusives, behind the scenes, tours, news, pictures, interviews and more! Publishes 2/3 times a year!
RotoAcademy is a fantasy football training school built around a monthly newsletter that helps owners become elite. Each month, you’ll receive a book-length PDF containing written and video fantasy football lessons developed by the world’s top players. Founded by Jonathan Bales (@BalesFootball), author of the Fantasy Football for Smart People book series, RotoAcademy is a must-have educational tool for any serious fantasy football owner. Based around a scientific, mathematical approach to fantasy football, RotoAcademy will fundamentally change the way you approach the game.
A fresh source of local and business news and information in the Visayas, Philippines! Our mission is to provide a link between local communities, government, and businesses by delivering constructive news and information that educates, motivates and inspires. Order each issue individually, or SUBSCRIBE to get access to EVERY ISSUE for a full year! We will publish at least 12 issues per year, though this will increase as our circulation grows. Please download Issue 1 of the Visayan Business Post, free of charge, with our complements. If you have any comments, please feel free to leave us a review, or visit our website at http://visayanbizpost.com for more information.
Explore the latest ideas to help you develop your online business. Each monthly issue presents Items In The News, Feature Articles, Resources, Ideas and Tips, and a complete business idea to inspire your success.
The Federal Register is the official journal of the federal government of the United States that contains government agency rules, proposed rules, and public notices.