Fashion Academy was founded in the early 1970’s by Gerrie Pinckney. Pinckney became known around the world as the premier Image trainer, and an expert in Colour. She originally developed the seasonal method of colour analysis as it applies to wardrobing, teaching many others who took the system to books and their own companies. In the late 1980’s Pinckney developed the skin tone determining system, unique to Fashion Academy. The new system perfectly defined skin tone, eye color, and hair color as opposed to the vague seasonal method. Carolyn Bendall purchased Fashion Academy in 2005. Fashion Academy has since divided the Total Image training into parts so that haircolorists and makeup artists can certify in the colour analysis. Leading the training to be a part of the prestigious American Board of Certified Haircolorists Energizing Summit in Los Angeles CA; Premier Pigments’ International Intradermal Cosmetics Expo in Dallas TX; and the seasonal conference for Kika Paprika clothing, also in California. Bendall has standardized the skin tone system through a monthly makeover article in the Commercial Appeal, her own radio show, and ebooks. Training can be attained through on line classes, or Bendall will come to your salon or boutique to train your staff.