Many publishers wonder if it is worth having a mobile app instead of a website, what’s the best way to sell an online magazine and what benefits can digital publishing bring.
Well, one obvious answer would be saving lots of trees.
And now more seriously.
There’s one basic thing about online magazine publishing and we will tell you this secret. There are ways your contents can reach a large number of readers, your magazine can be more profitable, and you can increase business and save time.
Even if you have no coding and technical skills.
Digital publishing – where is it going?
We live in a digital world. Just take a look around. How many people are on their devices? These are modern readers, and the publishing market should keep up with them. The digital revolution goes on!
More and more publishers decided to start their journey with digital, have mobile apps for their magazines to sell online issues.
What is more, this trend will go further.
In today’s fast-moving world the access to information must be up to speed. This applies to the website loading time in equal measure. If you have a website, make sure it is responsive – it will prevent impatient users from leaving the site. This way the odds that anxious readers will remain on your website are higher.
But this will not be enough to retain readers and get new ones.
What people want are real-time news and updates. Mobile applications provide them with these and notify them via Push Notifications about the latest content, right here, right now. It is also a great way to communicate with the user. That’s way more natural and convenient on a mobile device than emailing smartphone users.
One of the biggest advantages associated with the transition to online publishing is the opportunity to profit on digital content. Digital ad revenues can come from diverse sources such as affiliate links, website banners or digital magazine ads.
Mobile app tools like Google AdMob or AdSense focus on matching ads to your app based on criteria you set. As a result, users get accurate, attractive and relevant ads which match them perfectly.
But the real future challenge facing publishers is to make people remain with their digital magazine. It is not enough to create great quality content.
— How to get more readers’ attention to digital magazine?
Online publishing gives readers great opportunities to explore digital magazines.
This may be done via active links (some publishers call this feature an “interactive magazine”). The most underestimated method of doing this is the use of hyperlinks – both external and internal within the magazine. It is how the user experience of the whole reading process can be taken to another level, and this is a way for a publisher to drive readers to his social profiles or even advertisers’ websites.
Do you know that…

Today, readers want digital magazine experience to be more dynamic. Achieve it and engage readers by means of video or live-streaming.
Apps for magazines vs publishing on websites
What most publishers lose sleep over is choice between mobile app and publishing on a website. Which solution should I choose? The truth be told the best answer is “both”. They play a different role in their marketing strategy and sales funnels.
Remind yourself of these groups of people with smartphones in their hands. They are multi-device users, they need something more than one solution to choose the way to read your content in the most convenient way.
Many popular brands don’t differentiate between responsive web design, selling on the website and branded mobile apps. They just use all these technologies to improve user retention and brand awareness.
To app or not to app?
People love mobile apps. How do we know it? They told us.
Mobile app is the easiest way to read news for them. They are kept up to date with the latest articles using real-time notifications. It makes them come back to the content which increases mobile retention.
— I am a lesser entrepreneur, I don’t need an app.
More and more small to midsize businesses understand that an effective mobile strategy involves more than just a mobile-friendly website. Mobile apps increase the value of magazine publishers’ offer and improve the experience of web magazine on mobile devices. So why don’t small entrepreneur want to create a digital distribution network and increase their businesses?
Digital publishing platform
Coming to meet publishers needs to find a place to sell magazine subscriptions and downloads online we have created a mobile web-kiosk. Their own command center to sell every issue of the magazine on a website or blog.
Hint: Did you have a chance to learn more about eCommerce solution for magazine publishers?
For readers:
- Buying and reading instantly after downloading the issue at the same device
- Express checkout via mobile native store operators (Apple and Google)
For publishers:
- Easy like no other: just upload your digital issue, set the price, copy and paste the code snippet on your website
- Unlimited storage and transfer
Digital publishing platforms from PressPad
A flexible solution for PDF issues distribution, no obstacles.
Thinking about the digital distribution of your magazine? Start your magazin apps or digital kiosk. Instant publishing, credit card transactions and the online reader of your PDF-based magazine.
Learn more about our digital publishing platforms »
But wait a moment. Let’s explain something else.
— Can I try it out before I buy?
We wouldn’t do it differently. Willing to try something new is completely natural and we are happy to facilitate that process. We believe in testing it before you pay for it. Get your demo app for a free trial or check how free web-kiosk plan works.
— What kind of technical support do I get?
PressPad based its activity on support and being there for publishers, on every step. Do not hesitate to ask about anything, what is connected to online publishing and digital marketing. On this blog you’ll find valuable knowledge about publishing and marketing tips. It is up to you to decide whether to use it yourself or request support from the experts at PressPad.
How profitable is online publishing?
When somebody offers a business solution it is natural to think about what benefits it will bring. There’s nothing wrong with it. If you run a business, you want to know how profitable it is or you.
Digital publishing makes your content readable by all. Immediately.
Online magazine publishing gives a huge opportunity to develop a business via mobile app or own web-kiosk, increase distribution on a huge scale, deliver content across multiple platforms and devices, save time, monetize content and generate revenue from your whole catalog of back issues.
Look how Mets Merized Online does it. This major league baseball magazine for New York Mets fans scores around 500,000 visitors per month!
The baseball fans have loved Mets Merized Online news app by means of which they can share content and read the news in easier, more efficient way. They will never miss the brand new content (push notifications will remind them) and in case lack of time to read an article they can save it and read offline later.
And another successful example.
Dark Beauty Magazine is an avant-garde, high fashion magazine with sublime, niche content. They connected their magazine app with a mobile kiosk what was a great idea to generate extra revenue.
This digital subscription allows to save each issue to every personal device, read current and past content, connect with the Dark Beauty community and enjoy magazine everywhere.
What do Mets Merized and Dark Beauty have in common? They both use PressPad digital publishing platform to reach mobile users with branded apps for magazines.
Are you ready?
We are all together inside of technology revolution. It’s time to have not only a magazine but also a kiosk in a pocket. Magazine apps publishing and buying online at the same browser (or even in the app) have never been easier.
Think about future, you build your brand not only for now but for years to come. And remember, a new generation is coming approaching, which means that each of your new readers will be younger, faster, more demanding and more tech-savvy. Are you ready for this confrontation?