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Digital Publishing Blog by PressPad Posts

The Definitive Guide To Digital Magazine App Marketing

Going mobile is a monetization strategy for magazine publishers. They increase revenue by reusing existing content for mobile distribution. While a website is good for building reach, a mobile app is the best way for monetization because people are used to in-app purchasing. During this webinar you will learn app marketing essentials required to promote your digital magazine app on the App Store and beyond.

Facebook Beacons Support Place Tips for Successful Venue Marketing

Venue marketing on mobile devices becomes extremely important in today’s “mobile world”. Bluetooth beacons technology seems to play very important role in the changing paradigm of venue marketing. In these article you will read about Facebook Beacons and hotel marketing beacons based solution.

Bluetooth beacons link what’s online with what’s off line, particularly the places like hotels, airports and retailers. And Facebook Beacons have all it takes to add huge momentum to the upcoming revolution.

How To Run a Facebook Contest to Promote Your Magazine

One of the most effective ways of promoting your business, whatever it would be, is through the word of mouth. Emotions, that’s what fuel this type of promotional engine, and the best way to utilize it is through the contests run on facebook. You are just few taps away to learn all about running a facebook contest to promote your magazine app for free.

How Location Based Venue Marketing Influences Customer Experience

It is time for the location based marketing to synergy with digital publishing. Adding value to the particular venue is the main goal and PressPad lounge can be the key to achieve it. In this article you will see how Radisson Blu hotel implemented “PressPad Lounge”, a new digital press corner that utilizes iBeacon technology.

App Store Optimization – ASO Report

App Store Optimization is all about improving the visibility of a particular app on the App Store. Is that all it is? Of course not, The term “ASO” also harnesses all the techniques which drive user behavior towards the desired action, an app install. In this article, you will be shown what we did to improve app installs by 140%.

Content Marketing Agency Contellio Joins PressPad in Partnership

In the booming environment of mobile applications and online services, properly executed content marketing is one of the most efficient drivers of success. While content marketing remains an area of rampant expansion, content has to be wisely adjusted to fit various networks and devices. Contellio provides content creators adjusted formats that engage across various distribution networks including mobile thanks to partnering with PressPad.

Digital Publishing AD 2015: Mobile Readership Footprint

PressPad publishers use customized smart widgets on their websites to attract visitors to install their mobile magazine app. We have analyzed traffic that went through our widgets in 2014 and found it very interesting to share with you. Here is a last year’s data collection, including mobile OS share, from over a hundred PressPad widgets.

Don’t Forget These 3 Main Factors for App Marketing

There are some important tips how to write an appropriate and vivid app description for the App Store Optimization purpose. But ASO is not only about app description. In this guest post David Bell, CEO and founder of Gummicube provides 3 main factors that will help you create strong base for your magazine app marketing.

How To Design Your Magazine with PowerPoint

Design of the magazine is a rather not a trivial process, but it can be fun. Actually, I am not going to use PowerPoint but something more elegant and available for free. I am talking about Google Slides, which is a part of the Google Docs suite. As a challenge, I will try to copy the design of one my favorite magazine’s couple of pages – Mighty Car Mods, published by PressPad. Read on to see the results of my work and the techniques I’ve been using.

PressPad Introduces IBeacon Press Lounge for Venue Marketing

With the introduction of “PressPad Lounge”, we are entering a completely new land of location marketing. “PressPad Lounge” is an innovative product that will be available for venue owners. There, digital magazines will meet people at their actual location thanks to the iBeacon technology.