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Digital Publishing Blog by PressPad Posts

How to Make Your Digital Magazine App Profitable

If you are seriously thinking about turning a profit with your digital magazine, you should start selling. There are, however, various ways of selling digital products. You can start charging your readers for access to your digital magazine, or you can provide it for free, generating exclusive, high quality traffic to your online store.

Both sales strategies work well but there are few things every strategy has in common and which you should know about. In this article I will highlight five areas you must focus on in order to make your digital magazine profitable.

What Happens when You Order an iPad App with PressPad

Since we have changed our model of cooperation with magazines, we receive more orders for iPad applications than ever before. That is why we are going to devote one blog article to explain the whole process of ordering of iPad magazine: what happens at the backstage, what we are doing for the publishers, why and where is Apple engaged and what happens when an application with your magazine is ready in the App Store.

5 Things on How to Improve Your Digital Magazine Sales

Are you wondering now how to increase your magazine’s income? This article is just for you. We will talk about the best kind of magazine sales out there, which is subscription. What to do in order to make customers more willingly choose subscriptions over single issues? How to reach them? What determines their decision? Read further to find the answers.

Learn Why Your Readers Are Dropping out – Sales Funnels for Digital Publishers

If you think of sales funnels as a piece of kitchenware and do not see a bigger connection between them and your magazine on the iPad, this article is for you.

The idea of funnels is widely known in marketing and in areas connected with sales. Marketers evaluating the efficiency of their campaigns use funnels. Likewise, salesmen use them to assess their efficiency as well. Even support teams measure their progress by looking at funnels.

Mobile Experiment: What Have We Learnt in Past 48 Hours (plus: Offer Faq)

Two days ago we launched a simple experiment, which was supposed to verify a certain hypothesis and to help us simplify the way we settle accounts with the publishers. The response of magazine publishers made us (delicately speaking) frightened: we received hundreds of mails with requests to be included in the experiment, and one of the publishers even threatened us a little!

Just to remind you: we made a proposal to magazine publishers to make a free iPad and iPhone application for them, in exchange we would keep the first 199 USD that the application earns each month. From USD 200 above the income is transferred to the publishers without any interests charged by us.

Take Part in Our Experiment: We Will Add Your Magazine to the App Store

Update2: [April 21st, 2016]. Disclaimer! This information has expired. It’s been published in 2013. Since that time App Store has changed and so does PressPad. We do not offer free plans anymore, however PressPad mobile magazine apps remain affordable for publishers like you.

Update: due to high demand for this pilot program, we have written a FAQ and “lessons learnt” here.

Long story short: We are looking for 10 publishers who will agree to publish their magazine in a new experimental pricing model. The publisher doesn’t pay us anything for the making and maintenance of the application, in exchange, we retain the first 199 dollars it earns every month. From $200 up everything goes to the magazine publisher (no revenue share whatsoever).

Is Digital Publishing a Great Content Marketing Technique?

In 2013 many companies suddenly realized their position in Google was on the constant decrease and the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques they used to implement were gradually becoming less and less effective. On the other hand, those web sites and enterprises whose main focus was on the content were growing and doing better and better.

Frankly speaking, I don’t know whether the change was imposed by Google itself (due to the search algorithm alterations), or whether it simply is an outcome of some more general changes in the Internet and the way modern societies view the web. One thing that is certain: the final user benefits from those changes.

Fastest Way to Increase Sales of Digital Magazine (Hint: It Costs $0 and You Have It Ready)

There are many advantages of digital editions over traditional ones: direct-to-reader sales, access to the global market, or the incomparably lower costs of publishing. Today we will focus on a feature of digital editions that is less obvious, but impossible to ignore: the ability to monetize back issue archives.

The traditional publishing cycle doesn’t really account for the monetization of back issues. The older issues would be available in the archive on special order, but for most of the time, they will either be ground and turned into new paper or go up in smoke.

How Digital Archive Works

What It Would Be Like to Build a System for Publishing Magazines on Mobile Devices

If in 2011 I had known what I know today, I probably wouldn’t have decided to start PressPad. This is a brief answer to the question raised in the title. Today we love what we do with mobile publishing but the beginnings have not been easy. And this is the stage with which a publisher who wants to build their own tool for publishing magazines on mobile devices has to deal.

I get this question a lot. How much will it cost? Is it worth doing? I’ve identified four areas that in all probability may create great difficulty for everyone who is trying to build and launch one’s own magazine app.

pain points in magazine app development

Digital Publishing Three One: The Washington Post Bought by Jeff “in 20 Years, Print Newspapers Will Be All but Extinct” Bezos

Every couple of days we publish three important news for mobile publishing industry. This week we have only one, but a very good one: