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Digital Publishing Blog by PressPad Posts

How to Get Your Digital Magazine App Featured on the App Store

There are many ways to popularize your digital magazine so that it would be increasingly and more willingly downloaded from App Store. A lot depends on the starting factors, such as whether you already publish your title on other platforms, whether you already have printed edition readers, and whether they belong to a model group of digital edition readers.

In order to answer these questions, we took a closer look at 10 most popular magazines published by PressPad, to check whether there exist any activities that are common to the publishers who can boast a large number of digital magazine app downloads.

From the Desk of the CEO: What Do Free Pages from Apple Mean for Magazine Publishers?

Building a business for “free” is a very big challenge, probably the biggest challenge that a firm and its management can face. It is, therefore, especially pleasing that Apple has joined the group of companies offering some of their products for free.

Of course, “free” is almost never really free. Several decades ago, “free lunch” was free only because the food was so heavily salted that diner visitors had to order a (paid, how else?) drink.

PressPad Makes Publishing Magazines on Android and IOS Easy As Never Before

PressPad makes Android self­publishing Affordable for Authors Worldwide

PressPad, self service tablets and smartphones publishing startup have been able to take another great step forwards in making digital publications more affordable and accessible across mobile platforms. Support for Android platform has been awaited by clients and publishers. Their aim is to deliver content to biggest mobile platform in the World and with Android & iOS support from PressPad they do not have to choose.

Publishers signing up for mobile apps with PressPad can speed time to market tenfold, don’t have to deal with technology issues, app stores policies, and are able to dive into mobile publishing without any upfront investment.

PressPad Android Support in Approach + Preorders for Early Birds

I’m pleased to announce that PressPad is beginning the Android platform support, thanks to which your publications will now have the potential to reach millions of smartphone and tablet users based on this platform worldwide.

To emphasize the launch of Android support, we’ve also prepared an interesting offer but we’ll get back to that later on in the article.

How to Use Our Professional, Free Magazine Templates

If you’re thinking about changing the looks of your digital magazine or you’re simply looking for a professional layout or magazine templates as an inspiration – we have some good news for you. Now you can download beautiful magazine templates for free.

The whole thing has been prepared by PressPad designers, we offer you all the templates with the covers for free, and what’s more – you can use them for commercial purposes.

How To Publish a Brilliant Children’s Book on iPad

Digital publishing for children is getting popular. For several weeks you have been writing to us ever more often, asking about possibilities for publishing children’s books on iPad.

If you are an author of a children’s book or a publisher, from this article you will learn how to publish a book on Apple mobile devices with no knowledge of programming required.

6 Golden Rules To Design Successful Digital Magazine

Your app is your brand on App Store – if you are about to publish your digital magazine on mobile devices read this article and find out how to prepare a good looking digital magazine design, a recommendable content which is read with pleasure and which works on Apple mobile devices with iOS and Android controlled tablets and smartphones.

Your native PressPad app is a virtual kiosk and, at the same time, a reader visible in News Stand which allows readers to look through successive digital issues. A great advantage of such a solution is that you can put every issue in your PressPad publisher panel in a PDF format and subscribers of your magazine will instantly see successive issues on their tablets or smartphones.

How to Convince Your Boss About Mobile Publishing

Mobile Publishing is a necessary pivot for many titles. For some titles, it is the first medium for entering the market. In this article you will find out which arguments to choose, and how to present them in order to get your boss to like mobile publishing. After all, going mobile is a great way to reach new readers.

Mobile Publishing is a very strong trend, which is supported by changes in the business model of many publications. We have already witnessed the change of the distribution model and the transition to digital platforms, such great titles as Life or the NYT. Earlier this year, eMarketer made a prediction that “This Year, All Publishers Go Mobile”. To convince your boss to come onto the App Store platform, present the information, which you will find below, in anf appropriate form, relevant for your organization.

Your iPad Magazine Can Look Like That on Apple IOS7

When Apple introduced a new mobile operating system iOS7, our team had just finished working on a new version of the mobile magazine application. This PressPad application allows subscribers to download and read digital magazines published by our editors. In this article we disclose the appearance of our new mobile application optimized for iOS7.

Apple has released its new, innovative operating system iOS7, introducing many interesting features such as the Control Center, AirDrop for iOS and smarter multitasking. But what catches the eye the most is a brand new, beautiful user interface with icons designed in the style of flat design, and referring to the current color trends. Apple’s new mobile system provides a completely new user’s experience, better than ever.

How To Publish Digital Comics on App Store

If you are a comic strip author and your creations don’t end up in the drawer, consider reaching millions of Apple mobile device users. You can’t lose on publishing your works on the iPad, especially when we do it for you converting PDF file into a native mobile app.

If you create your own online comic and you’re wondering how to reach Apple device users with it or you just want to get your digital comic known at App Store, this article will give you some tips on what to focus your attention on while creating a PDF file which we will then process at PressPad into a native iPad application.

[PR] Polish Startup PressPad Freshens Up iPad Publishing with an Innovative Business Model That No Publisher Has Said “no” to So Far

Increasing the amount of orders fiftyfold in one week’s time is a result no company can let go unnoticed. Especially when it’s the effect of an experiment proposed to a small group of customers on the company’s blog, and when those willing to participate are higher in numbers than regular customers in a month.