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Digital Publishing Blog by PressPad Posts

The Most Important Tweets You Should Know to Predict Future of Digital Publishing in 2014

In 2012, there were one billion smartphone users. 2013 saw steady, incremental tablet growth. What will 2014 bring? We gathered expert Tweets for a glimpse into the future of digital and mobile publishing.

When it comes to predicting the direction of digital publishing, you need a keen understanding of global trends and behavioral aspects of magazines’ readers. We have recognized at least three global trends that will help you forecast the future of digital magazines in 2014. In this article, you will learn even more.

From Hobby to Real Business: Interview with Founder of Your Nails Magazine

Your Nails Magazine is all about nails and what involves to be or to become a nail technician. This is strictly trade magazine for professionals in the nail industry founded by Karolina Boczek.

In this article you will also read how digital magazine promotes itself, and what mediums are being used to reach out target readers.

Facebook Newsstand Helps You Sell More Digital Issues Via Social Media

Facebook is a great selling tool. How to take advantage of its potential during the sale of a mobile magazine? Later in the article you will also learn how to promote your digital releases best on Facebook and Twitter using Facebook Newsstand.

Place This Widget on Your Website to Sell More IPad/Android Issues

Our goal no. 1 is to increase the sales of your digital editions on iPads and Android and smart banner helps achieve this goal. As you know, the business model we used to function motivates us to provide digital magazine sales tips that work.

Today we present two super simple solutions, which will directly translate to a boost in your sales.

Here Come Useful Ideas from Ian Michael Pogonowski of the OUTFIT Cornwall Magazine

OUTFIT Cornwall Digital Magazine is all about improving people’s lives. Cornwall UK is an exciting and dynamic place to live. There is lots of countryside, sports and water for people to take part in and OUTFIT Cornwall is about getting people out and about, making the most of their lives being healthy in the process.

In this article you will read about the experience and insights from Ian Michael Pogonowski who started his digital magazine in the Summer of 2013.

[PR] PressPad, a Digital Publishing Startup, Recently Published a Mobile Magazine, Dogfooding Its Own Publishing Technology

Polish startup becomes its own client by publishing a magazine for mobile publishers

The Digital Publishing Guide is a free digital magazine, which is available quarterly as a mobile app. The magazine will feature optimization techniques for online app stores and share information about digital publishing and app marketing.

5 Ideas You Can Steal from Digital Publishing Guide

We did it! We have just published our own mobile magazine, in which we share our knowledge on digital publishing and content marketing ideas. We are a company that creates an easy-to-use digital publishing technology, and PressPad goes where Adobe is too corporate and Mag+ is too complicated.

We want the Digital Publishing Guide magazine to be a model publication, which will allow publishers all over the world to achieve even better business results by using the good practices presented below.

In this article, you will learn what techniques we have used to promote our magazine online and to increase its downloads from App Store and Google Play. We also have some statistics for those who are interested.

How PressPad Can Keep You Away from the Bitter Lesson of App Development

“Talking New Media” has recently posted a very interesting article covering their behind-the-scenes experience of building their own iPad magazine application.

They definitely got to know what it would be like to build an app for publishing a magazine on iPad having none (or very little) experience with delivering for Apple App Store. But aren’t they a publisher rather than an app developer?

If you are planning to hire a freelance developer to code your own magazine app, hold on because there might be a more effective solution which really works.

How To Get Your Magazine App To The App Store Faster

In this article, I’m going to tell you how to speed up the app publishing process, and how to maximize the App Store platform.

Christmas is coming, a rush time for everyone. Many new publishers want to minimize the time to market their magazine in order to take part in the Christmas-New Year shopping tradition.