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Is Digital Publishing a Great Content Marketing Technique?

In 2013 many companies suddenly realized their position in Google was on the constant decrease and the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques they used to implement were gradually becoming less and less effective. On the other hand, those web sites and enterprises whose main focus was on the content were growing and doing better and better.

Frankly speaking, I don’t know whether the change was imposed by Google itself (due to the search algorithm alterations), or whether it simply is an outcome of some more general changes in the Internet and the way modern societies view the web. One thing that is certain: the final user benefits from those changes.

Content Rocks Long After it is Released

Before I took up my PressPad adventure in 2011, I had to do with publishing and content. I used to be the author of a very popular blog in Poland for many years.

During 6 years of running Apple Blog I produced nearly 2 million words which made up a unique content. Today, after almost 2,5 years of closing it down, the blog’s web site is still visited by several thousand readers a month, directly from the search engine listing. The unique content actually becomes more and more powerful over time!

I discovered it by chance browsing through the blog’s statistics, and I was shocked by the fact it still was so frequently visited. From that moment on, I use this story to prove how important a unique content is for establishing a long-lasting relation with the readers (or customers in case of companies).

Introducing Content Marketing Technique

Content marketing has always been of interest to marketers. However, it has never been as powerful as it is today. Only a couple of years ago content strategy was treated as a too long-term operation which couldn’t guarantee quick investment return or measurable results.

Thanks to the changes mentioned above, content has been on the revival for several years now. Companies more and more often decide to invest in unique content and more attention is put to it (certainly, what also proved helpful was the appearance of many analytic tools allowing for an easy measurement of the influence content has got on sales).

Digital Publishing as Part of Content Strategy

The fundamental role of content marketing is for the content to reach the readers interested in it. They can be found in a traditional offline way, via tens of online channels, as well as mobile devices.

The growth of the mobile market is great news for content marketers too. Only today almost a half of Facebook interactions come about via mobile devices. Moreover, those who ‘like’ their friends’ holiday photos, at the same time browse through the news and read other information using the same device.

If the companies want to be serious about their content consciousness, their presence on mobile devices should be seen as obligatory.

PressPad collaborates with many companies publishing their own magazines or catalogs on iPads and iPhones as part of their content affords. Thanks to being part of iOS Newsstand they literally get to their readers’ pockets (pun intended).

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