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Category: Digital Publishing

How to do digital publishing. This category of articles harnesses all the tutorials and step-by-step guides. In the nutshell, you can find here educational materials that help you achieve your digital publishing objectives.

Future Trends in Digital Magazine Publishing: What Lies Ahead?

If the phrase “digital magazine” brings to your mind a text-based publication accompanied by images, filled with hyperlinks, and read on a computer, tablet, or smartphone, it’s time to update this perception. The following model of online publishing is becoming a thing of the past, making way for a far more immersive, multisensory experience. A new era is emerging – let’s get ready for it.

When online magazines started coexisting alongside print (becoming one of the hottest trends in publishing), we could see a clear distinction between “traditional publishing” and “digital publishing”. There was no doubt about which was which.

At that time, we were defining “digital publishing” as the electronic counterpart of a traditional magazine, accessible on digital devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. It could take various forms, from simple PDF files to interactive publications enriched with multimedia elements like videos, animations, audio, or interactive infographics.

Their strongest features that distinguished them from the paper were enormous possibilities of interactivity, readers’ engagement, content personalization, social media integration, and data analysis.

Today, the latest technological changes may be disrupting this well-known category of digital magazines, dividing it into “traditional online publishing” and… well, what exactly?

Unlocking the Potential of Digital Publishing: A Guide for Magazine Publishers

The debate about the changes, trends, and direction of growth in the digital publishing industry is not a discussion about books and magazines. It is a debate about the development of technology or, to be more specific, about how it has changed our daily lives. This impact is much greater than we think.

It comes to your attention when you observe kids. Have you had a chance recently to see how a few-year-old children open and use a notebook or a book today? If not, prepare to be shocked. One of the recent reports shows they are trying to swipe or tap pages like a smartphone or tablet. 

We can not blame them. These kids were born in a world full of interactive screens which were put in their hands from an early age. They treat every paper-page thing in the same way as devices, reflexively and intuitively. 

For such a tech-savvy generation (and each next one will be even more agile), traditional publications will be unattractive and simply boring. It’s like someone would order you to communicate with them by writing a letter on a typewriter instead of sending a message on one of the popular channels.

You can do it, but to what end?

How to Publish PDFs Online?

When in 1993 Adobe Systems introduced the PDF (Portable Document Format) to the world, they probably didn’t even imagine the size of a revolutionary they started. By improving the process of creating, sharing, and accessing digital documents, they made online publishing both easy and efficient on a previously unknown scale. It would be a pity not to take advantage of this opportunity, wouldn’t it?

Is there anyone who remembers sharing documents before PDFs time? The days of floppy disks and dot-matrix printers, when everything was a cumbersome process that involved printing papers out and physically handing them over to someone.

I wonder what Generation Z would say about this process since even to Millennials it sounds so… ancient. 

The truth is, thirty years later, PDF remains the most popular format worldwide for publishing almost every type of online document and publication, including digital magazines and e-books. What is new, however, is that along with the development of technology and the appearance of publishing software solutions, PDF has also become the best format for professional monetization of various types of publications.

The Importance of Optimizing Your Digital Magazine for SEO

Distributing a magazine online is the first step to success in today’s publishing industry. Letting yourself be found effectively by potential readers is the second one. How do you increase your web visibility and make people come across your resources on their own? There is a way to achieve that and it is called SEO.

Millions of people search for millions of queries every day, trying to find an answer to their questions typed into Google. Including you. How many pages of Google search results do you usually visit? One, two, three? If you chose the last two answers, you belong to a definite minority. The statistics on this topic are stunning. The research shows that only 0.63% of people click on the second page. Knowing that, ask yourself a question – what are the chances your content will be found by people who haven’t met your brand yet?

Whether you are a small local magazine or a bigger national publication, you have to provide your business constant visibility in search results – the higher, the better – to be found by people who are looking for something. And we will tell you how to achieve that.

The Importance of Digital Transformation for Magazine Publishers in 2023

We live in an incredible age, an age of digital transformation. We witness enormous yet fascinating changes touching almost every industry in the world. It is no different from the publishing business. Magazine publications are right in the middle of the process of the digital revolution and this year seems to be a crucial moment for them.

What we are observing right now is no more no less a digital transformation spilling over to every aspect of publishing. This process is compared by many to a breakthrough on the scale of the invention of the printing movable type. If we want to understand the details of this development and its consequences fully, we must go far beyond turning a paper page into a screen view.

How far? That is the question you’ll find the answer in the following article.

How Has ECommerce Conquered the Digital Publishing World and What Has Come from It?

The experienced publishers, running their business for years, have well-structured and great working sales funnels. So they diversify content adjusted to defined target groups accordingly to the different purchase stages. As a result, their sale is growing. What if they want to develop their digital publishing company even more? There’s a way; something that goes beyond content sales. After all, no one has said that this is the only product publishers can sell.

Let’s play with the words for a while – a digital publishing business is a company reaching not readers but customers by offering them not content but products. Everything seems to be correct, but there is a subtle difference, isn’t it?

Talking about the publisher as an entrepreneur broadens the perspective and gives more earning possibilities.

For most publishers, the main sources of revenue are advertising and subscribing. Both methods are strictly related to content. What about monetization as an entrepreneur, a business owner? Well, it is more about the sales of goods.

Content is a core publishers’ product but it doesn’t have to be the only one they offer.

As an entrepreneur, you can sell different things, even more so you have a bunch of loyal fans, a ton of data, and business experience. Why can’t you offer backpacks and mugs if you publish a travel magazine?

Maybe it’s time to take a step further in your digital publishing venture and think seriously about eCommerce as a way to diversify income.

What Does the End of Adobe Flash Mean for Digital Publishers?

Some people think of it with a tear in their eyes; others claim with relief that it’s a natural necessity that had to come some time; the rest feel the excitement of looking for new solutions. The end of Adobe Flash Player planned on December 31, 2020, is already a certainty. It will bring digital publishers new, exciting challenges in their business functioning.

In 2007, Mark Anders, back then an Adobe employee, described the Flash as a new publishing tool of the century, and pointed out how it changes the digital world: “We have let more people publish – whether it’s blogging or having a MySpace page, or uploading to YouTube”. He probably didn’t expect then that a decade later Adobe would announce the death of this technology.

Although it cannot be denied that Flash had a huge contribution to the development of Internet websites and digital magazines, its time has come to an end. Today we are getting ready to say goodbye to this technology for good.

What does it mean for publishers who have used digital publishing platforms based on Flash?

6 Digital Publishing Trends For 2021

There are two main factors that have an impact on digital publishing trends development: the rate of technological improvements and the time in which readers assimilate them. In both of these aspects, we can talk about high-speed today. For publishers, being up to date with current trends is an opportunity to improve strategies related to monetization, distribution and content marketing. In which direction will these tendencies go in 2021?

Digital technological innovations and changes have created favorable circumstances for digital publishing improvement, such as the possibility of diversifying content streams and revenue sources. They also bring publishers wider opportunities to analyze website visitors and design eye-catching publications.

Looking at all of the above, it can be said that digital publishing has a bright future ahead of it.

What will 2021 bring? Will it be the continuation of already known digital publishing trends or the arrival of surprising novelties?

One thing’s for sure – news technologies will play first fiddle again, so – stay tuned!

How to Add a WordPress Comments Section to Your Website?

Generating digital publishing revenue has moved from an ad concentrated model to monetization strategies based on paid subscriptions and paywalls. For publishers, this shift means a necessity to concentrate on building an online community gathered around their content. The goal is to transform engaging readers into paying subscribers. Enabling the WordPress comments section, available on desktop as well as on mobile app, can help achieve this goal.

Everyone who has once tempted to read a discussion on the Internet below any article can understand why some publishers decide to disable comments. The reasons seem quite obvious: fear of hate speech, unreasonable criticism or just impolite statements. Constant moderation process requires extra work and, quite often, hiring new employees. It’s easier to close the comments section or… move a discussion to social media channels. The second option means voluntary resignation from keeping readers on publishers’ sites and giving them in the technology giants’ hands.

The possibility of writing (and reading!) comments doesn’t just mean participating in the discussion with the author or other people. It’s an extension of the article, improvement of the journalism value and finally, transformation of passive readers into active ones, which has a huge impact on building a sense of belonging to the group. From here it’s a very short journey to trusting the brand and staying longer with the content, which will result in subscribing and paying. Consequently, you as publishers, journalists and authors face a challenge to be community organizers today.

Where should you start? From making it possible for people to express their thoughts under articles, using different devices they read on. You can do it thanks to tools like Disqus and Facebook Comments.

Get to know how to install the WordPress comments section to start building a circle of your supporters.

10 Top Digital Publishing Experts You Should Know

Digital publishing revolution has turned upside down magazines and newspapers industry, as well as significantly affected book market and changed the perception of academic and kids publications. Now, all these fields are connected by one common factor – the possibility of distribution thanks to digital platforms e.g. mobile apps or online newsstands. The goal is to maximize the potential of the content, reach the wide audience, increase range and revenue. Behind each of the above areas stands a number of digital publishing experts – innovators, successful people, who share their experience and knowledge online. Let’s get to know them!

It would seem that in the era of widespread Internet access, finding any required information is easy, simple and pleasant. Well, it doesn’t resemble staying long hours in libraries and flipping books (it seems like only yesterday!). But is it really easy and fast to get valuable materials thanks to Google research?

We will not argue with the statement that the Internet is an enormous, unlimited source of knowledge. The thing is to know how to use it to find a piece of information which is verified and trustworthy. We all live in the age of multiplicity of data, ubiquitous fake news, quasi-experts’ speeches and paid influencers, where no one checks the source of news before passing it on.

Sheer madness!

The news publishers are one of those who benefit most from these circumstances. They based their business and monetization models (such as paywall and subscriptions) on building loyalty and serving reliable information. Readers surrounded by fake news are ready to pay for high-quality content.

Today, the ability to search and select data is invaluable. It has nothing to do with typing a million terms into the browser and searching various websites for hours – such strategy takes time and doesn’t guarantee success in finding what you are looking for.

Digital publishing knowledge – how to get it?

How to Promote a Magazine on Social Media?

At every critical moment on the path of exploring content on different digital distribution channels, magazine publishers should catch potential customers’ attention and offer them tailor-made value encouraging to visit their website. The goal is to build a loyal audience base, which will eventually lead to monetization on the next level of a sales funnel. The direct road to achieve it is through social media which are the best way to promote magazine brand successfully.

Have you ever wondered what factors affect people’s buying decisions? This process is mainly determined by the recognition of the brand or someone’s recommendation. Products you already know or heard about are taking precedence among the others during the purchasing.

Social media marketing is based on a similar mechanism – building brand visibility, getting recommendations and easy sharing function – all those elements foster recognition of the product by customers. For publishers, this is a perfect opportunity to present a piece of their content to a wide audience. It results in improving website traffic and generating more revenues whilst reducing marketing costs.

To turn all social media activities into gold, it’s necessary to know where to be and how to do it right.

That’s the main reason why we’ve started a series of articles dedicated to specific social media platforms. The goal is to equip publishers with proper knowledge that allows to make profits without sharing them with technology companies.

Facebook is our first shot. In just a moment you’ll find out that it can be your greatest friend in the social media journey.