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Author: Paul Nowak

CEO of PressPad

Digital Publishing Three: Up and to the Right Edition

Every couple of days we publish three important news for mobile publishing industry. This week top three are:

1. New York Times disclosed the revenues of its digital business and it looks good!

Business Insider reporting on the story even draws an optimistic conclusion that “(…) Even if the New York Times’ print paper, which still generates most of the company’s overall revenue of about $2 billion a year, were to shut down tomorrow, the company would still be able to fund an excellent newsroom”.

At $360 million digital arm of New York Times is still significantly smaller than paper but with a healthy growth it paints quite a good looking picture for the future.

New Feature: Use Magazine Sample to Help You Sell More

When you buy a car, you can do a quick test drive around the block to check whether everything is working right and the ride is smooth. PressPad now gives your readers the same option. You can upload a full (paid) issue, free preview/sample, or both!

In 2013, our focus is on helping you sell more via your iPad app. We have plenty of tips lined up for you, but today is different—today we are sharing a new feature in PressPad that can help you sell more in no time.

Why are magazine samples important for my sales?

10 Reasons Why Self Mobile Publishing Tool is the Best Way to Get Your Magazine Published on iPad

There are small and medium publishing houses which still are in two minds whether to join digital revolution or not. Some are sceptical about publishing magazines and newspapers on tablets and claim that it still is an expensive and painstaking job. However, the fact is that using such tools as PressPad magazine app development is really easy. Your magazine app can be available on mobile devices within odd 14 days.