Real-time analytics and easy-to-understand dashboards are an important tool in the modern publishers’ toolbox. Now it is also a part of PressPad News platform.
If someone asked me, what is the most important thing in running their own company, I would say that it is not business acumen and experience, as many people would think. Both come with time. What about intuition? It is based on the analysis of trends and the needs of your market niche.
So where is the secret of making right business decisions?
What is in common for successful brands is data analysis. Companies such as Google and Amazon prove how data mining could make business better.
A detailed analysis of what has happened combined with drawing conclusions and an introduction of changes can lead us to desired effects. Focus at analytics can provide transparency and a way forward to develop business.
— Why does a football team watch their last match?
To become better for the next time.
Power of mobile analytics = power of news apps
Publishers can benefit greatly from knowing more details about its traffic – where it comes from, what pages are most popular, what pages drive the most ad clicks, and what the quality of engagement is. Having such knowledge they can guide their readers to their content more effectively. Additionally, they can plan their ad campaign more easily, customize articles more accurately and efficiently configure app.
They need the ability to understand performance holistically and optimize current content creation efforts. Dashboards are most effective if they offer interactivity, including the ability for users to compare performance over time, performance by segment, topics, and other characteristics.
Real-Time Measurement
With mobile readers behavior changing faster than ever before, publishers need real-time measurement tools to take timely action and manage their News App.
And here it is. The news feed of the latest articles from your mobile app. Instantly updated.
News Apps Analytics Dashboard
It is a part of PressPad News platform which makes app management easy, convenient and more effective. Available detailed analytics is a treasure chest of information about users of the application.
We have expanded the analytics parts to four more specific categories:
- apps
- articles
- devices
- banners
Thanks to these, the information is more precise, and searching it in the panel is simple and intuitive. It is designed to surface you the insights you need to drive your engagement strategy in the right direction.
Visit your detailed app analytics
Understanding when your users open the app and which categories are most viewed helps you to publish the best-matched content at the right time.
- Have people been spending more time in the app since my last update?
- What made so many active users visit my app in the past month?
- What kind of content my readers need?
- Has the number of app installation on iOS increased compared to Android?
With this analytics part you get answers to the above questions. Just look how it is easy!

Intuitive layout of this interactive tool helps you with finding desired information fast. It is a piece of cake even for people without tech-savvy skills.
Check out which article is the most popular and how many new readers you have
Let’s change category.
The easiest way to find a direction you need to increase engagement is to look at article views and most popular topics over time. You can check how many people have read your articles in that week, month, year.

Hint: Note if there was a specific topic or topics that you blogged about in many of your top posts. If you see the topic appeared multiple times, write about that topic again from a different angle.
What is more, you can observe changes in the number of readers in a specific period of time and with a division into devices version.

— It doesn’t matter what device version people use if they visit my app.
Check the significance of the version of your device
What device version readers use is particularly useful when dealing with the wide spectrum of devices in use today, and allows you to get as fine grained as you like with your content targeting strategy.

— How can I use all this insight to improve on content publishing decisions, targeting strategies or conversion optimization?

Android is the most popular mobile operating system in many countries. While iOS dominates in North America, Western Europe, the Android mobile operating system beat it in South America, Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and Asia.
Thanks to the diversity of geographical penetration between Android and iOS, some publishers may be more interested in the Android application for online publishing based on WordPress.
Hint: If you want to conquer the Asian market or readers in Africa, consider the Android version of the application.
Engage your readers with app banners
Understand exactly how users interact with your app so you can build a more engaging experience.
We have the three types of so called “Banners” that can be visible in the app:
1. Snackbars. This is a method of generating traffic to the desired destination or content. They show a brief message at the bottom of the screen on mobile and automatically disappear after a timeout or after user interaction elsewhere on the screen.
Hint: Snackbar can be collapsed while Alert is visible only once.

2. Alert. Using PressPad News dashboard the publisher is able to create the Alert message that will show up for each app user. Notify about something important. You can receive notifications and work with alerts through the dasboard.
3. Welcome Message. Say hello to new users, send a link to newsletters or information about contest. It is a great way to engage users or just make them day.
What is the best, you can set these three types of messages in the application yourself and based on analyzes, decide on their frequency.
News Apps market is developing
Everything we’ve done so far to improve the quality of WordPress Publishers’ and Content Producers’ life, helps them achieve their business goals. Seeing how the News Apps market is developing, we wouldn’t remain indifferent to the publishers’ needs. That is why we have created App Analytics Dashboard.
Tracking total installations, most popular vs most-saved articles and the results of Push Notifications campaigns with analytics dashboard are a huge step to better decision making. News App Panel makes that the data analysis process not only effective but also simply pleasurable.
Still in doubt? Maybe it’s the best time to find out the power of mobile analytics.